Writing Namibia
Writing Namibia: Literature in Transition is a cornucopia of extraordinary and fascinating material - a rich resource for students, teachers and readers interested in Namibia.
The text is wide ranging, defining literature in its broadest terms. In its multifaceted approach,it covers many genres traditionally outside academic literary discourse and debate covering all categories in Namibia since independence: written and performance poetry, praise poetry, Oshiwambo orature, drama, novels, autobiography, women’s writing, subaltern studies, literature in German, Ju|’hoansi and Otjiherero, children’s literature, Afrikaans fiction, storytelling through film, publishing, and the interface between literature and society.
Professor of English at the Namibia University of Science and Technology, Sarala Krishnamurthy (PhD, Bangalore, India) freelance editor and trainer and Helen Vale, who has taught literature in the English Departments of the University of Swaziland (four years) and the University of Namibia (sixteen years) will launch their co-edited book by way of a panel discussion.