White Lady - Black Lady

White Lady - Black Lady

White Lady - Black Lady

FNCC Gallery

An exhibition with photographs of Anneliese and Ernst Rudolf Scherz during the expeditions with Abbé Henri Breuil and Mary Boyle in Namibia, 1947–1950. Curated by Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Namibia Resource Centre & Southern Africa Library in Switzerland.

The so-called “White Lady“ in a cave in the Brandberg/Daureb in western Namibia ranks amongst the most emblematic figures in southern African rock art. The expeditions of the French archaeologist Abbé Henri Breuil and his collaborator Mary Boyle between 1947 and 1950 established her fame. The black-and-white photographs of Anneliese Scherz reveal surprising re-enactments and visual transformations, including the creation of a “Black Lady“.