French Holiday Literature Workshop
For first language and foreign language French speakers, L'Association des Parents Francophones de Namibie, provides a week long holiday workshop from Monday 20 August to Friday 24 August from 8AM to 12PM.
These holiday workshops are open to any child willing to participate and able to understand French under the direction of Ms Isabelle De Joannis De Verclos.
Artistic, fun and creative activities with "deep sea and oceans" as a theme.
Take the sails sailors! We are about to conquer the underwater and marine world!
- Registration will be effective once filled in the online registration form AND once received proof of payment.
- For organisation purposes we ask for a pre payment on the account of the Association. There is limited space therefore we encourage you to book early to secure your place.
- It is open to any pupil able to understand french
- Price includes all stationary for the activities
- Each enrolled child needs to bring water and snack box along.
- For the registration form please contact:
- Payment to the account below:
Account number: 62260011631
Branch name: FNB Business
Branch number: 281872
Swift code: FIRNNANX
- Please send proof of payment to
We are looking forward to sharing some exciting time with the children!
Please feel free to email us should you have any questions.
#childrensactivities #love #french #languagecourses #associationdesparentsfrancophonesdenamibie #franconamibianculturalcentre #fncc #whereculturesmeet